Admission in BE, B.Tech, B.Arch ME, M.Arch through Management Quota/NRI Quota in top Private colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore), Maharashtra(Pune, Mumbai), MP and Delhi NCR are going on.

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Admissions in BE, B.Tech, B.Arch, ME, M.Tech, M.Arch through management quota/NRI Quota is started in top colleges of Karnataka(Bangalore) for Academic year 2015-16. Minimum College fees is 2 lacs onward(4 year). No Donation Colleges are also Available with excellent Placement record. B.E, B.Tech, B.Arch through Management/NRI quota seat bookings are going on for the top colleges of Maharashtra(Mumbai, Pune), Madhaya Pradesh, Delhi NCR for Academic year 2015-16. Pay only Tuition Fees and get admission in the excellent Placement record's Colleges.

The sought after branches in Engineering

Most of us go through the same dilemma after clearing different entrance exams. Career options for medical and arts students are relatively clear, however, a lot of thought goes into choosing the right branch in engineering.

Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Science or something else? Deciding upon the right engineering stream is quite tricky for both students and their parents.

Most students go by the job prospects of the field while making this decision, interest and aptitude could get ignored in the process. Besides the most popular branches like Mechanical, Computer, Electrical and Civil, there are numerous other engineering branches like Chemical, Biotechnology, Aeronautical, Industrial, Instrumentation, Marine, etc. which have a good scope.

In the past, engineering could be divided into four major branches: Mechanical, Chemical, Civil and Electrical, with sub branches of each discipline. Today however, the numbers of engineering degrees available have increased dramatically. There are now six major branches of engineering: Mechanical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Management, and Geotechnical, and literally hundreds of different subcategories of engineering under each branch.

It mainly depends upon the candidate. The candidate has to make most out of the course, so that he can get job and can be having good career scope.

Here are some of the popular branches in Engineering course
-Civil Engineering
-Mechanical Engineering
-Electrical and Electronics Engineering
-Electronics and Communication Engineering
-Aeronautical Engineering
-Information Technology
-Computer Science Engineering
-Mechatronics etc.

Out of the above mentioned specializations, other than IT and CSE, remaining all the branches can provide good jobs to the candidates irrespective of market conditions. The career scope for IT and CSE streams is always fluctuation. Recently, when the recession occurred, many of the IT Employees were eliminated from their jobs.

However, as of now IT is in good boom in India. The candidates are having good number of job opportunities in various IT Companies after completion of their B.Tech in IT or CSE. Amongst all the engineering branches, computer science has been found to be the most popular choice of the students. This branch of engineering is perceived to be popular due to its research scopes (bio, mechanics, neuro-science , etc.) and is known to be challenging while offering good career opportunities and remuneration.  In a recent study, computer science & engineering has been the most sought after course in the past few years and well as the current one.

Computer science and engineering graduates can make a career in various areas like web applications, computer graphics, video games, enterprise computing , embedded systems, network administration, mobile applications, computer vision, scientific modelling, computer security, database systems, animation , wireless network, artificial intelligence, core companies, computational skills, computer manufacturing, computer programming, computational biology, super-computing to name a few.  Almost all industries have job profiles for computer engineers hence the increasing demand for them.

The career scope for Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering is ever green.

Candidates will have jobs definitely after completion of these streams in the respective core companies.

Here is the list of engineering branches that are fading away
-Applied Electronics & Instrumentation
-Mining Engineering
-Pharmaceutical Technology
-Printing, Graphics and Packaging
-Automobile Engineering
-Environmental Engineering
-Bio Medical Engineering
-Agricultural Engineering

Irrespective of the boom in the industry, choose the stream which you are interested and join that course in a top college.

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